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Choosing Printing Styles

Control Dialog

Printing Styles Tab

This tab is used to select "printing styles" through catalogs. Catalogs allow you to create groups of "hot-buttons" for often-used printing styles. For example, you may have 10 different watermark hot-buttons in a "Watermark" catalog. Just choose the "Watermark" catalog, and the buttons will appear. Choose the button for the watermark you want, check its snapshot image to be sure its right, and then print... it's that easy!


  • Create a menu of preferred printing styles for quick selection, or choose from one of the last five (5) printing styles used.
  • Organize your printing styles into catalogs with quick button access to printing styles in the selected catalog.
  • Show up to 5 miniature, snapshot, images of the selected printing style.
  • Display the first line of a printing style's description (as you specified it).
  • Select from printing styles stored in other folders, on other disks, or even across the network...

& Simplicity
  • Use the preferred menu to choose from your favorite or commonly used printing styles.
  • Use the catalog menu to organize common printing styles into the same folder for easy selection.
  • Cataloged printing styles appear as radio buttons ... just click to pick!
  • Standardize company logos, literature, and stationery so everyone is serving the same image.